Perks of being a foreigner

 Life is not easy, in whichever part of the world you are (I have high hopes on Mars though..😀). My acquaintances had pointed out to me many times that life in a developed country, Switzerland in my case, is like being in heaven. Switzerland is where I have lived for the last six years, and I should admit that this place IS heaven on Earth. It is also one of the happiest countries in the world, which is related to its well-planned infrastructure and economy. But a foreigner like me would have more things to add to this, probably a usual feeling of loneliness and being alienated. People try to overcome these feelings in different ways- some end up depressed, and some do not. I have gone both ways and I also chose to travel- solo travel. At first, it was sad, but later, I chose this option even when I had people around me. More than the benefits this country gives, I am much happier for the realization it gave me: the realization of being a solo traveler. 

The picture is from the Lauterbrunnen valley in Bernese Oberland, Switzerland. My first solo hike was in this area, and it was also the first time that I clearly saw the beauty of this country!

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