Exploring the city of Como

Being a famous tourist destination, people visit Como mainly to relax by the shores of the stunningly beautiful lake. As I am also an appreciator of art, history, and majorly local cuisines, this post is mainly about the things you can do in the city of Como, which is towards the south of the lake.

When you reach the heart of the city, near Como cathedral, you will see active restaurants and bars everywhere where people are jovial, having the time of their lives, and taking their time off from their daily work routine.  The busy streets in and around the Piazza Duomo near the Como Cathedral are definitely such a venue. 

View from a street-side restaurant in Piazza Duomo

The Como Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, is one of the last Gothic cathedrals built in Italy. The dome gives more of a Renaissance touch to the building, but the interiors maintain a Gothic style. 

 There are also medieval monuments in Como, noticeably Porta Torre, a town entrance built in 1192.

Interior of Como cathedral, decorated with tapestries during the 16th century

Monumento ai Caduti and Monumento alla Resistenza Europea are war memorials that were built to honor soldiers and victims who were martyred during World War I and II. The latter also has stones from Nazi concentration camps and the city of Hiroshima, along with messages of people sentenced to death during the war.                                            

Monumenta alla Resistanza Europea

Of all my pictures from Como, this one is my favorite. I was amazed by the talent of a street artist, who was on his way to completing his piece of art. When you are in Italy, you should expect nothing less- Everyone has something to do with art!



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