Abstract art as not everyone's piece of art

I have never been to any art school nor took any training to become an artist. Even to this day, I believe that if you have a form or pattern of art within you, studying art in an institution will only change that pattern. The colors and patterns that I choose to paint represent me. I am inclined towards abstract art and most of the paintings that I have done so far were during my early childhood, from the age of three to be exact. Though my art was appreciated by a crowd of people, there was also a large population who used to say out loud that I was merely doing random brush strokes on canvas without a specific theme. Some others mentioned that any layman could bring out this kind of art whereas some others were of the opinion that my art became popular only because of the support and publicity made by my parents, who were already part of the world of art and literature. I continued with my art no matter what. However, I seldom joined painting competitions as I could not bring out a theme of someone else's choice when asked and also felt myself as 'differently appreciated'. So, I built up an own world within myself. 

Art is also the reason why I love travelling- I see every landscape or seascape in front of me as a work of art! Be it the dull, pastel shades in central European cities, the bright contrasting shades in Mediterranean coasts or the dark, monotonous shades in rainforests- I try to take a mental picture in my head and have my own version of the scene in front of me painted as an abstract.

During my later years, many people including my parents were mildly shocked to see me join for a Degree in Natural Sciences (Geology) as I was a child who grew up totally immersed in the world of art and literature. Currently, my career as a geochemist deviates me from my other main interests due to hectic work schedule from time to time. Even then, I try to keep my artistic side active. In the upcoming posts, you will see my art works portrayed! 😀🎨

 Newspaper clippings featuring painting exhibitions hosted by me as a child artist. All these exhibitions were held in India, mainly in the State of Kerala. 

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