Me and the natural world- the connection


One of the coolest attention-pulling words used by travel bloggers and vloggers these days is ‘getting inspired by nature’. Well, I ask myself this question of how much I connect with the natural world every time I come back after a journey. Do I involve myself a lot more in electronic gadgets than I want to?

After I find an answer to that question, I try to make my next travel a lot better than the previous one by involving myself more with the surroundings and absorbing the present.


Connecting with nature had helped me on my path to becoming more mindful. In my earlier years, I chose this as an option when I felt stressed at work or with my personal life. Later it turned out to be less of an option. Just like how geology frames my life!

 I find the utmost happiness in hiking or wandering, getting some fresh air from mountains, forests, beaches, or anything natural. This is what doing research as a geologist had always made me.  I had often gaped in awe at intricate details of the natural world, and sometimes the effects of the surroundings on me can even be tiny. Sometimes my whole travel plan turns out to be a flop due to excessive rains (I am a fan of rain in tropical lands, but not in temperate landscapes!), had stressed me out with not getting my visa until the last minute travel, but all these were part of the whole package. Many a time, I had forgotten to take clear and nice pictures or videos of my journeys, and probably that is why they stayed as memories and made a larger impact on my life. 

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