Taking the road less trodden- along the English countryside

While exploring the village of Shere situated in the Surrey Hills of southern England, I could feel the melancholy of the autumn leaves and its impact on the general tone of the village. At the same time, I was trying to picture how this village might look in winter, as portrayed beautifully in the movie 'The Holiday'. There are pretty and large farmhouses near the main road that piqued my interest, but the map says I need to go further away from the main road to reach the small village town of Shere. The small, well-maintained  English cottages on the way were taking me back a century.

A private pavement near the main road leading to a farmhouse 

This museum did not catch my eye at first glance,  but I was curious to know what a museum named after a small village might host.  Surprisingly, the museum has a good collection of war-related and domestic tools, dating back to the Victorian ages! 

Shere museum

While on my way to the Silent Pool, I stopped at a clearing that led to the eerily silent pool (hence the name). Apart from the ducks and me, there were no signs of life nearby, which struck me only after some time. According to legend, a woodcutter's daughter drowned here after seeing Prince John, hence the reason behind the silence around the pool.

What captured my interest the most was this early English-style church dating back to the 14th century or even earlier. At first sight, the church looked abandoned, but after closer scrutiny of the neighborhood, I came to know that this church is a listed building of historical interest and is also a tourist attraction. 
Though this building was partially renovated, there are still remains from the 14th century, for example, the tinted glass on the windows. Additionally, this church looked familiar to me, and I found out later that this church was pictured in the final wedding scene of the movie 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' (2004).

St. James' Church, an example of early English-style architecture

Though the spontaneous plan to visit the village of Shere could have been better organized, I was happy and content for one special reason. After this trip, I realized that each and every small village around the world holds a story on its own and that each has a special role in history.

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